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Wright, Edward, ca. 1558-1615
Certain errors in navigation / detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions.
London : printed by Joseph Moxon and sold at his shop ..., 1657.
A description of the admirable table oe [sic] logarithmes
[Microform] : with a declaration of the most plentiful, easy, and speedy use thereof in both kindes of trigonometrie, as also in all mathematicall calculations Napier, John, 1550-1617    Briggs, Henry, 1561-1630    Wright, Edward, ca. 1558-1615    Anno: 1616
Napier, John, 1550-1617
A description of the admirable table oe [sic] logarithmes [Microform] : with a declaration of the most plentiful, easy, and speedy use thereof in both kindes of trigonometrie, as also in all mathematicall calculations / invented and pvblished in Latin by that honorable L. Iohn Nepair, Baron of Marchiston, and translated into English by the late Edward Wright ; with an addition of an instrumentall table to finde the part proportionall, inuented by the translator, and described in the end of the booke by Henry Briggs ; all perused and approved by the author & published since the death of the translator
London : Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1616.
Gilbert, William, 1544-1603
Guilielmi Gilberti ... De magnete magneticisque corporibus et de magno magnete tellure physiologia noua plurimis & argumentis & experimentis demonstrata
Londini : excudebat Petrus Short, 1600.
Gilbert, William, 1544-1603
Guilielmi Gilberti ... De magnete magneticisque corporibus et de magno magnete tellure physiologia nova plurimis & argumentis & experimentis demonstrata [Microform]
Londini : excudebat Petrus Short, 1600.
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620
The haven-finding art, or, The way to find any haven or place at sea by the latitude and variation [Microform] / lately published in the Dutch, French and Latine tongues, by commandement of the Right Honourable Count Mauritz of Nassau ... Lord High Admiral of the vnited prouinces of the Low countries ... ; and now translated into English, for the common benefite of the seamen of England
London : Imprinted by G.B.R.N. and R.B., 1599.
Tractatus, sive Physiologia nova de magnete, magneticisq[ue] corporibus & magno magnete tellure
sex libris comprehensus a Guilielmo Gilberto ... : in quibus ea quae ad hanc materiam spectant plurimis & argumentis & experimentis exactissime absolutissimeq[ue] tractantur & explicantur Gilbert, William, 1544-1603    Wright, Edward, ca. 1558-1615    Lochmann, Wolfgang, 1594-1643    Anno: 1633
Gilbert, William, 1544-1603
Tractatus, sive Physiologia nova de magnete, magneticisq[ue] corporibus & magno magnete tellure : sex libris comprehensus a Guilielmo Gilberto ... : in quibus ea quae ad hanc materiam spectant plurimis & argumentis & experimentis exactissime absolutissimeq[ue] tractantur & explicantur / omnia nunc diligenter recognita & emendatius quam ante in lucem edita, aucta & figuris illustrata, opera & studio d. Wolfgangi Lochmans ... ; ad calcem libri adiunctus est index capitum, rerum & verborum locupletissimus, qui in priore aeditione desiderabatur
Sedini : typis Gotzianis, 1633.